Sunday, March 01, 2009

Yes We Are Still Alive and Well

Haven't made time for much blogging lately but here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks.

Our best buds Tara and Sean came for a visit last weekend. We had a great time going to the movies, eating out and Kassy and Brittnie's highlight was going to get a pedicure with Tara. We hadn't seen them since last August so we were so glad they made the trip.

RJ posing for his "Great Moments". For anyone who has seen the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, they take famous paintings and recreate them using live people holding completely still. The kids school do this every year and RJ's class was one of the classes participating this year.

This is the picture that his class was recreating.

The kids were supposed to be washing the dog but RJ decided it would be fun to squirt dad with a squirt gun so Rollin decided that the kids needed a bath too!!! RJ decided he liked his baths a little warmer. Maybe he shouldn't have squirt Rollin. Lexi thought she was defending herself pretty good with her little gun.